Zduino LEE ,Manual for beginners.
Haole (Lee) Guo
Intelligent Machine Lab
Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA, 23508
- Package
A Zduino LEE kit has two things in the box, a Zduino LEE board and a USB cable.
This is the Zduino LEE board.
Top view.
Bottom view
Power up Zduino LEE using USB cable in the kit.
- What you can do with a Zduino LEE
a) Zduino LEE can be used to develop interactive objects, taking inputs from a variety of switches or sensors, and controlling a variety of lights, motors, and other physical outputs.
b) Any Arduino project using UNO can be done using Zduino LEE with less wiring problem, smaller size, and cheaper price.
- Start your first Zduino LEE project
a) Download Arduino application from http://arduino.cc/en/Main/Software.
b) Unzip to a location you liked after you finished downloaded.
c) Open the Arduino application .
d) Open the LED Blink example sketch: File -> Example -> 1. Basics -> Blink
e) Select the board. Tools-> Bard -> Arduino Micro
f) Select you serial Port. Usually it is the one with the highest number. Different computer may have different number.
g) Upload the program to Zduino LEE by click .
h) Have fun!
- Demonstrations by designer.
Check my channel on Youtube.